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Monday, December 22, 2014

The Christmas Story - Christmas Picture Books

The Christmas Story
By Patricia A. Pingry
(Ideals Children's Books, 2005)

Welcome to a children's picture book that tells the story of the birth of Jesus using the language of kids.

Yes, the story is familiar to many adults, and even many children. But when it comes to easy to read and understand, Patricia A. Pingry does a wonderful job in simplifying and keeping the story accurate. The illustrations by Wendy Edelson are colorful and perfect for this book. I like the way the text, in red and black, is set apart on a field of white. This text feature helps young readers locate the words.

Thumbs up for this version of The Christmas Story.

And while we are at it - celebrating the birth of Christ - why not add a birthday something to your Christmas traditions?

Such as:

~ share a birthday cake or cupcakes complete with candles for Christmas Day

~ sing the birthday song to Jesus

~ wear birthday hats and bounce balloons as you cheer for Jesus' birthday

~ take an annual photo of your kiddos holding the birthday cake for Jesus

~ add a new Nativity ornament to your tree each year, letting the children remember each and putting them on the tree

Peace and Merry Christmas to you!

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