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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Single Pebble, A Story of the Silk Road ~ Picture Book & KID KANDY

A Single Pebble, A Story of the Silk Road
by Bonnie Christensen
(A Neal Porter Book, Roaring Book Press; 2013)

A Single Pebble, A Story of the Silk Road is the delightful tale of a young girl who sends a small pebble with her father when he goes to trade their silk at the market. Mei desired that the pebble travel to the end of the trade road, but father did not go that far.

With childlike trust, Mei knew her father would find a way to send the pebble on its way to a child at the other end of the road.

And just like that, the jade-colored pebble was on its way, passed from hand to hand to the journey's end. Finally, the single pebble arrived at the end of the line when a pirate delivered the pebble to his son.

Readers will learn about the history of the Silk Road during the 9th century. Colorful illustrations and interesting characters will inform and engage readers of all ages. But don't imagine that this picture book reads like a history book. The story found in A Single Pebble, A Story of the Silk Road is captivating.



Mei sent her treasure, a beautiful pebble, to travel with others in a journey that she could not yet make. Mei wanted to give her pebble to a child at the end of the road.

What treasures do you have? Do you collect something (rocks, cars, dolls, stickers, or other things)?

Assignment: Go find beautiful pebbles.

1. Beaches are a wonderful place to find pretty rocks. River beds and streams are another great place to search for treasure.

2. Choose your favorite pebble. Do you have company or relatives visiting this summer? Give one of them the pebble and ask that the traveler give the pebble to a child at the end of the road.

3. Keep collecting pebble treasures. When you get the opportunity, send one of your treasures on a journey to the end of a new road.

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