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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wacky Wednesday - Everyone Poops

Everyone Poops
By Taro Gomi
(Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 1993)

Everyone Poops. It's a book about potty matters.

You know it's true. Everyone does poop. The animals and the people - anyone or anything that eats must eventually, well, go potty.

Colorful yet easy to understand illustrations makes Everyone Poops a classic for potty training. Sure, potty humor hits a little later in the developmental cycles of humans, but the honest discussion of going potty is for the youngest of children.

Be warned, there are plenty of poopy pictures in this book. Read in a matter-of-fact way, young children will gain understanding of a natural bodily function. Later, you may catch the older children reading and giggling. No way around that one!

Everyone Poops - a truly Wacky Wednesday wonder.


Take a walk.

This activity will be especially beneficial in a forest or woodsy area or on a farm. There is plenty of poop in both of those habitats.

Look for poop. Kids would love to use a magnifying glass to look closer at discovered specimens. Try and figure out who did it - the cow? the horse? a bear? a duck?

Just watch where you step!

Angie Quantrell loves books that help explain nature and the way things work. Even if some people think talking about poop is gross, it is a very real topic of conversation for kids. The best way to answer questions children may have? Answer just what they ask in a matter-of-fact way. Don't worry. If they have more questions, they will keep on asking. And you keep answering by adding tiny bits of information.

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