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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Terrific Tuesday - I Can Be More Like Jesus - Picture Book & KID KANDY

I Can Be More Like Jesus
Written by Angie Quantrell
(Woman's Missionary Union, 2006)

Philippe and Etienne enjoy life with their family. Journey with the two French brothers as they discover ways they can be more like Jesus. Helping others, praying for others, embracing nature, using manners, and giving help are just a few of the ways they learn to be more like Jesus.

In this photograph & watercolor illustrated book, French is the featured language. French phrases are printed on each page, along with pronunciation. Additional ideas are included at the end for families, teachers, and anyone who has or works with children.

I Can Be More Like Jesus
is the fourth book in the I Can series. I am particularly proud of this book because I took the photos, using family and friends as characters. My graphic illustrator used a fancy computer program (sorry, not my specialty) to make the photographs appear to be made from watercolor painting. I love it!


Help the Homeless

We see them at many street corners and around town, asking for some cash, work, or food. How about being prepared to hand a homeless person a specially prepared lunch sack, complete with snacks and drinks? Make several lunch sacks and keep them close at hand when you are running errands. Let your children help you make, decorate, fill, and store the bags. When it comes time for a hand-out, you will be ready to go!

1. Let your children decorate paper lunch sacks with markers. They can draw all sorts of pictures. Add a special message like "Jesus Loves You." Do not add any personal information.

2. Fill the bags with non-perishable items to eat or drink. Some ideas are:

~ water bottles
~ sports drinks
~ juice boxes or cans
~ snack crackers with peanut butter or cheese
~ granola bars
~ packages of nuts
~ packets of tuna (not cans, as they are difficult to open)
~ napkins
~ hand-wipes or hand-sanitizer

3. Place the filled sacks in an easy to reach box in your car. Now you are ready.

4. Put the kids on alert. They get to search for homeless people. You get to deliver the bags. Way to go!

Angie Quantrell loves to show children how to love others, as people in our communities can always use a helping hand or a bright smile. Ideas for ways to help others are as numerous as the number of people in your city! Go for it.

Books by Angie Quantrell:
I Can Pray
I Can Give
I Can Do It!
I Can Be More Like Jesus
Let's Learn About . . .

Find these books: (Age Level Groups, Preschoolers, Books)
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