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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Right Word - Roget and His Thesaurus ~ Picture Book & KID KANDY

by Angie Quantrell @AngieQuantrell

The Right Word - Roget and His Thesaurus
By Jen Bryant
Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
(Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, 2014)

Fantastic illustrations reminiscent of vintage nature journals fill the pages of this wonderful book.

Meet Roget and discover his love of list making. After losing his father at a young age, Roget began his lists with his father's death. Moving often did not allow Roget to make and keep friends, but books made great friends and he didn't have to leave them behind. Making lists kept Roget's world in order. Organized word lists helped those searching for just the right word.

The Right Word - Roget and His Thesaurus is the perfect book to engage young readers in the study of words.


Make a List

1. Grab a notebook or pad of paper.

2. Think of a theme for your list of words. Some ideas are animals, food, places, sports, school, or toys.

3. Make a list of all things that relate to your theme. You can include how they sound, look, smell, taste, or feel. Think of words that mean the same thing as words you list.

4. Stuck? Ask for help looking up your word in a thesaurus. You will find word lists that could have possibly originated back when Roget was making his lists. How cool is that?

I love making lists. It helps me organize my to-do's and helps me remember what needs attention. Making grocery lists seems to take up most of my time. Maybe you can help your parents make their shopping list!

P.S. This is the perfect way to add chocolate or ice cream to the grocery list.

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