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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Gardener ~ Picture Book & KID KANDY

The Gardener
By Sarah Stewart
Pictures by David Small
(Farrar-Straus-Giroux, 1997)

Lydia Grace Finch had to go and live with her uncle in the city when times were rough and her parents were out of work. She lived during the Depression times. She traveled to help at her uncle's bakery, but she didn't go alone.

Lydia Grace Finch carried along a great variety of seeds. She loved planting and gardening with her grandmother. She planned to carry on her gardening tasks in the city.

Lydia did plant seeds, bulbs, and plants. Pretty soon, people were not calling her Lydia Grace (like her grandmother). They called her The Gardener.

The Gardener is a lovely book told completely through letters. The illustrations perfectly fill in the gaps and tell the story along with the words. I loved this book!


Plant Seeds

Be like Lydia Grace Finch and beautify the area around your house, yard, or apartment.

1. Buy or ask for some seeds and potting soil. You can grow flowers or vegetables or anything else that comes from seeds. I love growing kale, radishes, and green beans. They are yummy.

2. Fill containers with soil and plant seeds. Or find some dirt and plant seeds. Make sure to keep them damp while they are getting ready to sprout.

3. Continue to water and watch the seeds sprout and grow.

Now we can call you The Gardener!

P.S. What did you plant? Did the seeds grow? I would love to hear about your gardening adventures!

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