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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Moon Rabbit ~ Picture Book & KID KANDY

Moon Rabbit
By Natalie Russell
(Viking, 2009)

Moon Rabbit is a story about being lonely and finding a friend.

Little Rabbit lives in a busy city, where she loves her life. But one night, as she looks at the moon, she begins to wonder if there is another rabbit like her, one that could be her friend. Hearing music, she follows the sound into the park, where she does indeed find a new friend. I won't tell you what happens next, for you will enjoy the tale.

Adorable illustrations and a simple story about friends will endear Moon Rabbit to readers.


Play with a Friend

Do you have a friend? Maybe this KID KANDY will help you have fun with a friend or a friend you haven't met yet!

~ Find a friend to play with. What do you love to play with? Blocks, cars, sports, dolls, bikes, books, art, and music are just some of the fun things you can enjoy with a friend.

~ Look in your neighborhood or classroom or church for a friend. Ask your parents for a playdate. Eat lunch together and play in the backyard. Is there a park nearby? Ask an adult to walk with you to the park to play.

~ Play with your dog or bunny or kitty. Be gentle. Many friends enjoy pets and will love to play with you and your pet.

~ Play a game at recess. If you go to school, recess is the perfect time to play tag or climb the jungle gym. Invite others to join your fun.

Friends make life fun, don't they? Just like Little Rabbit, we can look for and enjoy friends.

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