Books Will Never Go Out of Print!

Grab a cup of coffee. Sit back. Check out meanderings about books I've loved.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Rook (Hunter's Oath, Book 1) by Ken Nobles
(Green E-Books, April 2013)

What a find! One of my good friends FB'd me and told me her husband had published his first book. We met eons ago in Germany. We haven't physically seen each other since, but remain friends. From that trip, she knows I enjoy reading fantasy and good books.

Welcome to a new series (again, I have started reading a series that is not complete...hurry up Ken!). This book is a great adventure filled with interesting characters, relationships, and mystery! Danger, mythical creatures, and the discoveries of delving deeper into the history of the characters and their story came together to make me want the next book available now.

So, I say, find this book for your e-reader. And help put some pressure on Mr. Nobles to get crackin.'

PS I tried to get a photo here, but was unable to do so. You are on your own. Check Amazon.


  1. So glad you liked it! Thanks for the shout out! He's finished 6 chapters of the next one and don't worry... I'm cracking the whip this summer! Here are the links to the first book for anyone interested!


    1. Gretchen, Feel free to add a photo here if you guys have one...I am too tech illiterate to figure that out (perhaps you remember that about me?). ;0


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