A B See is an engaging alphabet board book.
Embossed and sturdy, A B See shows one or two letters of the alphabet on each page. The letter (bumpy for touching) is composed of small illustrations of things that begin with that letter.
For instance, the letter Q is made up of a quilt, question marks, a queen, a quetzel, a quarter, a quarterback, a quacker, quartz, and a quill. The short line that goes over the oval part is a quail.
The intricate and fascinating illustrations capture attention. Each letter also has a simple sentence with most words beginning with the letter.
Delightful! I know my Donavyn will love this book. He is two-years-old and loves to see the 'etters!
Preschoolers and early readers will learn and enjoy A B See. Any way you can engage young readers in books and the alphabet is worth the effort!
Find the Letter of Your First Name
1. Go ahead. Read A B See. Sing the "Alphabet Song." Enjoy the pictures.
2. Find the page with the first letter of your first name.
3. Look at all of the pictures and words that begin with that letter and are a part of the illustration.
4. What is your favorite thing that begins with the same letter as your name? Can you think of anything else that begins with that letter?
5. Can you bend your body to make the first letter of your name? Try and spell out your whole name with your body! Maybe mom or dad can take pictures of you making each letter.
Thanks for reading and loving books!
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